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July 2016

BBC Radio 4 Prayer for the Day with HG Bishop Angaelos - July 2016

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Script 1

Good morning.

One of the greatest challenges of daily life today is finding purpose. During this week, the Coptic Orthodox Church continues to focus on the lives of the Apostles, those who were called to do something so different and radical that it changed the world.

Looking for Peace - HG Bishop Angaelos

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, speaks to us about finding true peace only in God, encouraging us to realise that we have been given that peace by the Prince of Peace, and no one has the authority to take that away.

Statement by HG Bishop Angaelos on increased attacks against Egypt's Christians

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Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, on increased attacks against Egypt’s Christian community
22 July 2016

Egypt is undoubtedly going through a formative stage of its contemporary history. Having emerged from uprisings and changes in Government, dealing with resulting pressures on its economy and infrastructure, and with the loss of foreign investment and tourism, it has become more vulnerable to a disturbing wave of radicalism.

Secure in Him - HG Bishop Angaelos

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In this short sermon His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, reassures us that despite the changes around us, the presence of God in our midst does not change and as Christians we can seek our stability from the Holy Spirit within.

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