A message from His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom
As early reports emerge of a bombing and shootings in Egypt as Egyptians prepare to vote on the constitutional referendum, the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom is dedicating three days of prayer (14-16 January) for peace and safety.
With Egyptians venturing out to proactively live this new spirit of ownership and citizenship, we pray they are safe in doing so and that they see Egypt move to the next stage of this constitutional and democratic process.
In light of all the happenings of the past three years, what has been most prevalent is that Egyptians desire a new start and a nation void of discrimination and inequality, pursuing God-given rights of dignity and freedom at every level. We pray for protection for them all as they pursue these honourable ends, confident in God’s protection over this ancient and blessed land and her people.