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Having the conviction of Saint George

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Sermon by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, during a special service in the Cathedral of Saint George in The Coptic Centre, Stevenage to mark Saint George’s Day on 23 April 2015. Hosted by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, and Councillor Sherma Batson MBE, Mayor of Stevenage, the service was attended by more than 100 people including The Countess Verulam, Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, civic dignitaries, ecumenical guests, and members of the Coptic community and the wider Stevenage community.

Martyrdom Today Series Part 3 - Into the Lions Den - HG Bishop Angaelos LA 2015

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In the last part of this 'Martyrdom Today' series, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, speaks about the faithful witness of Daniel and how we too can learn to be convicted in our Christian Faith in facing challenges on a daily basis, and living our true identity in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Martyrdom Today Series Part 1: Why me? - HG Bishop Angaelos - LA 2015

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, speaks about Daniel in the Old Testament and uses him as an example for us to follow in trying to live a Godly, faithful life despite the various challenges we face.

Martydom Today Series - Part 2 'Daily Martyrdom' - HG Bishop Angaelos - LA 2015

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the challenges we face on a daily basis, explaining that if we choose to live a faithful Christian life we will face persecution on some level, but that we should never fall into a state of victim-hood, using the three saintly youth in the book of Daniel in the Bible as an example of that.


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