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Grapevine Fellowship

Living our true identity

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about our identity that is something that must be based on the image and likeness of God within us, otherwise we will constantly be changing who we are and how we act in order to please others or adapt to our environment, losing sight of our call to Godliness.

The mystery of Godliness - HG Bishop Moussa - Grapevine Fellowship Meeting

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His Grace Bishop Moussa, Bishop for Youth, spoke about the mystery of Godliness as it is outlined in 1 Timothy 3:16. His Grace spoke about the love of God for all, and the mystery of the Incarnation as a beautiful expression and demonstration of that love for all of humanity.

How do we define ourselves?

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the importance of defining ourselves by who we are as children of God, not by what we do or what we own or by anything else. His Grace uses the Prodigal son as an example of how we may attempt to redefine ourselves, and he also sheds light on the importance of living as children of God, not just being Christian by name.

Confident in the face of temptation

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In this sermon His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the confidence we have in knowing that God is with us as we face a variety of temptations in life.


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