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Accepting our humanity

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about our humanity as something we must accept and embrace, but also allow the grace of God to work through. Using Saint Mary, Saint Paul and the prophet Jonah, His Grace illustrates how God helps us to achieve the impossible.

Q & A - The influence of social media

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His Grace Bishop Angaelos answers questions relating to his talk on 'The influence of social media' at NCCYC in San Francisco.

Our daily witness

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In this sermon at St Paul Ministry, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about our daily witness to the Truth and explains that even if we are not called to give our lives for our Faith we are called to follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ and be clear in the message we proclaim through being selfless and living and treating others as He did.

Waiting on God of the impossible

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about St. Mary’s troubled reaction to the annunciation. His Grace emphasises the importance of asking questions through prayer during times of confusion. He explains that we must wait upon God as those who wait for the morning because He will reveal all His promises us in the fullness of time, and He can and will do the impossible.


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