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Living one Life Series Part 1 - The influence of social media

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As we use social media to become more connected there is a danger that we actually become more isolated and disconnected from the world around us, and we can lose sight of the bigger picture. During this talk at NCCYC in San Francisco, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the various challenges that social media poses in our lives, highlighting positive ways in which it can be used to edify others, while also warning of the damaging ways it can be used to cause harm to ourselves and others.

Our daily witness

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In this sermon at St Paul Ministry, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about our daily witness to the Truth and explains that even if we are not called to give our lives for our Faith we are called to follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ and be clear in the message we proclaim through being selfless and living and treating others as He did.

God The Service Provider

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Reflecting on the book of Deuteronomy 8:12-15, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about our tendency to use God as a service provider as and when we need Him, forgetting that our relationship with our heavenly Father must be based on a love and desire for Him and not merely based on what He gives us.

Address by HG Bishop Angaelos to the Church of Scotland General Assembly

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Transcript of the Address by His Grace Bishop Angaelos to the Church of Scotland General Assembly.
23 May 2014

Moderator, General Assembly,

I greet you in the Name of the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; confessing our gracious Saviour, Who was faithful in His Incarnation, sacrificial in His Crucifixion, and powerfully victorious in His Resurrection. Christ is Risen!


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