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St Paul Ministry

The danger of only seeking favour with people

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His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the struggle we all face in attempting to please one another while neglecting to be ourselves and seek favour in the eyes of God. When we only seek approval or acceptance from others it can often lead us to disappointment, uncertainty and confusion as their assessment of us can change.

Tradition vs tradition

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Basem Morris speaks to us in '10 Minutes of Orthodoxy' about the importance of Tradition, and the distinction between traditions passed down by God vs those passed down by cultures and societies.

God's will in our lives for others

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks of God's will and purpose for us in our lives, reflecting on how His will for us as individuals also contributes to a collective purpose for the edifying of the Body of Christ. His Grace also highlights the responsibility we have to invest in our spiritual lives, not only for our own sake, but in order that we help others to grow as well.

Seeking Inner Perfection

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In this sermon, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks of the importance of seeking inner perfection so that our thoughts are in line with the mind of God and our dealings with others are gracious, honest and loving.


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