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August 2014

Announcement by HG Bishop Angaelos re HE Metropolitan Bakhomios

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Announcement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom regarding His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios

His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis, and former Locum Tenens of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was transported by air ambulance from Cairo to England on 27 August 2014, after which he was transferred and admitted to a London hospital for treatment. His Eminence was accompanied by His Grace Bishop Biemen of Quos and Naqada.

Bishop Angaelos interviewed on BBC TV HARDtalk regarding Christians and Minorities in the Middle East.

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His Grace Bishop Angaelos interviewed by presenter Stephen Sackur on BBC HARDtalk regarding Christians and Minority Groups in the Middle East.
First broadcast August 20, 2014.

Bishop Angaelos on BBC HARDtalk

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Tune into the BBC Worldnews show HARDtalk to hear Bishop Angaelos discuss the question "Do Christians have a future in the Arab world?"

Dealing with the unexpected - NWCYC 2014 - Talk 3

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We often like to control every aspect of our lives, and struggle to place our trust and lives fully into the hands of God. In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos explains the benefits of placing our lives in the hands of our heavenly Father, Who will always lead us down the best path for each one of us.

Premier interviews HG Bishop Angaelos re situation in Iraq

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On 15 August 2014, Premier Christian Radio interviewed His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, regarding the situation in Iraq.

Statement regarding Egypt, Iraq, Syria and the Middle East

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Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, on the anniversary of the unprecedented attacks on Churches in Egypt, and the current situation in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East

Purity of the Person Within - HG Bishop Angaelos

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His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom speaks about purity of the person within. This talk was delivered at the Grapevine Fellowship Meeting in London on 13 August 2014. Find out more via

Purity of the Person Within - HG Bishop Angaelos

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His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom speaks about purity of the person within. This talk was delivered at the Grapevine Fellowship Meeting in London on 13 August 2014. Find out more via

Ambition vs Greed - NWCYC - Talk 2

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the need for satisfaction and what does and doesn't satisfy us, and the danger in valuing ourselves and others based only on the superficial.

Success in Satisfaction - NWCYC - Talk 1

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In this talk His Grace explains that we can never be fully satisfied in living according to the measure of success given to us by others or by the world. He advises all to develop, own and live their own vision, as chasing worldly success leads us to never fully being satisfied and can even cause us to stray from our Faith.

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