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July 2015

Nicodemus - Meeting with the Lord series Part 5

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In this sermon His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about doubt, fear, humility and courage in our relationship with God, using Nicodemus as an example of someone who was transformed from a man of fear to a man of great Faith.

Humble enough to return to Him

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In this short sermon, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the humility of children equating to knowing when we need to return to our heavenly Father to seek assistance for that which we cannot do on our own.

Saint Paul - Meeting with the Lord series - Part 4

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In this sermon, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the transformation of Saul to Saint Paul, and how we can all benefit from his life and encounter with the Lord.

The Rich Young Man - Meeting with the Lord series Part 3

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos uses the Biblical account of the Rich Young Man to illustrate how much we stand to gain if we take the leap of faith and commit our lives to God. His Grace talks about the various things that hold us back from a life with God, and emphasises the importance of a slow but gradual growth in spiritual life.

The Samaritan Woman - Meeting with the Lord series Part 2

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In the second part of the Meeting with the Lord series, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about God's desire to have us with Him, going to all lengths to engage with us, yet never forcing Himself into our lives. His Grace uses the example of the Samaritan woman to illustrate God's fervent love for us all.

Mary & Martha - Meeting with the Lord Series - Part 1

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In this sermon, His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the different ways in which we encounter our Lord Jesus Christ, using Mary and Martha as an example of what to aim for and what to avoid in our relationship with God.

Ready for His call - Feast of the Apostles

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In this sermon, given by His Grace Bishop Angaelos on the Feast of the Apostles, His Grace talks about the importance of being ready to hear the call from our Lord to 'follow Him'. His Grace uses the Apostles as a clear example of how our lives can be transformed by the Lord if we respond to His call.

Aspire to Godliness

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In this sermon His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about the importance of dealing with our Lord Jesus Christ as God and not merely a Man, elaborating on the value in aspiring to Godliness as opposed to constantly trying to bring God down to our level.

Here to make a difference

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In this sermon His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, speaks about our role as Christians to be witnesses to the Truth, to make a positive difference in our every day lives and to present a counter-culture.


The mystery of Godliness - HG Bishop Moussa - Grapevine Fellowship Meeting

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His Grace Bishop Moussa, Bishop for Youth, spoke about the mystery of Godliness as it is outlined in 1 Timothy 3:16. His Grace spoke about the love of God for all, and the mystery of the Incarnation as a beautiful expression and demonstration of that love for all of humanity.


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